In a recent development, Bengaluru police have taken action against renowned Kannada actor-filmmaker Rakshit Shetty over allegations of unauthorized use of music in his latest comedy film, Bachelor Party. The controversy stems from accusations filed by Naveen Kumar of MRT Music, who claims that two songs, Gaalimathu and Nyaya Ellide, were used in the film without obtaining proper permissions.
The complaint, lodged at Yeshwanthapura police station, outlines that despite discussions earlier this year, the necessary rights for the songs were not secured for their inclusion in the movie. Rakshit Shetty, known for his creative ventures under Paramvah Studios, is yet to respond to these serious accusations.
Authorities have confirmed that an FIR was registered on June 24 under the Copyright Act, and Rakshit Shetty has been issued a notice regarding the matter. Currently engaged in an out-of-state shooting schedule, Rakshit is expected to provide a detailed statement upon his return, as police continue their investigation into the alleged copyright infringement.
Rakshit Shetty’s recent successes in films like Sapta Saagaradaache Ello – Side A and B have highlighted his influence in the Kannada film industry. His upcoming project, Richard Anthony: Lord of the Sea, underscores his continued prominence and creative vision.