Tagaru Palya is a 2023 Kannada-language drama film directed by Umesh K. Krupa and starring Nagabhushana, Sharath Lohitashwa, Rangayana Raghu, and Tara. The film is set in a rural village and revolves around the story of a group of villagers who cook food on the temple premises and serve it to the devotees.
The film has received positive reviews from critics, who have praised its realistic portrayal of rural life, its heartwarming story, and its strong performances.
Here are some of the reviews of Tagaru Palya:
The Times of India: “Tagaru Palya is a good blend of exotic quirkiness and rural realism.”
The Hindu: “Tagaru Palya is watchable when it doesn’t take itself seriously.”
Deccan Herald: “Tagaru Palya is a heartwarming film that will stay with you long after you leave the cinema hall.”
Bangalore Mirror: “Tagaru Palya is a must-watch film for anyone who loves Kannada cinema.”
Cinema Express: “Tagaru Palya is a well-made film with a strong cast and a heartwarming story.”
Overall, Tagaru Palya is a well-made film with a heartwarming story and strong performances. It is a film that will stay with you long after you leave the cinema hall.
It is a heartwarming and feel-good film that celebrates the importance of community and kindness. The film is set in a rural village, and it does a great job of capturing the essence of rural life.
Though you find the lack of personality, newness and the routine story that eventually gets very preachy about everything that it could have, the dialect of the village is true to itself as the Filmmakers own the culture and language and is not made up artificially.
The performances in the film are all excellent. Nagabhushana, Sharath Lohitashwa, Rangayana Raghu, and Tara all give standout performances. The supporting cast is also very good.